Puerta del Sol: Photos

Mouillé Mouillé Mouillé

March 5, 2005

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PdS Blog goes temporarily French. If you love Paris, you'll love these beautiful pictures of the flooding there in 1910. What's that in the background? (via Blogdex.)

And did you know that it requires permission to take a picture of the Tower at night?


The Full Monty

February 21, 2005

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A bunch of policeman from Madrid have made a "Calendar Girls"-style calendar to raise money for tsunami relief. I'd say this represents a pretty strong challenge to the Antonio Banderas, sexy macho male stereotype. Apart from the guy with the sunglasses. 


P(olitically) C(orrect)

February 8, 2005

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PdS Blog is pleased to announce that it has finally found a way of showing a picture of Penélope Cruz that also ties in with recent posts. This is because, Variety reveals today, she will feature in the next Pedro Almodóvar (see below) film. It will be one of the following: Volver, (literally, Return), a generational comedy about three women who travel from southern Spain to Madrid in search of a better life; and La tempestad soñada (literally, Dreamt Storm), a lyrical drama. And it will be in Spanish, even though everyone's waiting for the first Almodóvar film in English. So there you are. (To counteract the Penélope effect, click .)

Meanwhile, far away from showbiz, Martin Amis goes to Colombia. (via Blogdex.)


Christmas 2004, Seville

January 1, 2005

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Featuring oranges and fairy lights together on a tree. You guessed it - PdS Blog got a digital camera for Christmas.

Some good news from Spain to usher in the New Year. Thanks to Metafilter. Also, please go and donate something if you can. 
